Thursday, March 31, 2011

Fresh Bread Thursday - Anadama Bread

This is how I am able to get any cooking done.

Sometime ago one of my favorite bloggers Amanda was in a blogging group called the Bread Baker's Apprentice Challenge. It was a group that baked and blogged out of Peter Reinhart's book The Bread Baker's Apprentice. I was fascinated by the beautiful bread that she made. I have been lusting after the book for about a year now and I recieved it for Christmas. This book is fascinating and is like a text book. It explains about the different flours, yeasts and the process that bread goes through. I have been wanting to start baking since January but...well....I haven't found the time. I am going to start the challenge myself since I am not sure I can commit to baking bread every week.

Here is the first first recipe Anadama.

Mixing the corn meal with water.

Adding the flour.

Letting it rise.

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